Thursday, September 18, 2014

Post Rush September 18, 2014

Who's here?
How many signed up?
What can we do to get them to "join" us?  Welcome. . . how?

Remind 101

Project for Showcase - Really need to think - Appreciate Alyssa's ideas and input (tutoring, prosthetics, etc.)
Showcase @ TNHS on October 30

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014

Nominations for Homecoming:

1.  One boy, one girl Senior  (Alyssa B. and Ben H.)
2.  3.0 GPA
3.  No level 2 misconduct referrals

Preparation for Rush:  Planning Document
1.  Theme? - is there a theme for this rush?
2.  I have 100 boxes of nerds - anything on them?
3.  We are STLP.  What are we going to do to represent?  I feel like technology needs to be used.  We have projection.  I think we need music, as well.  What are we going to 'show'?